This is such a great explanation. I grew up vegetarian, then started eating a small amount of meat at uni and am now pescatarian and have no intention of returning to other meat at all — it just doesn’t feel like me to eat meat aside from fish. I love that you worked it out based on what you could realistically maintain, I really struggle to explain my pescatarianism to some people (who seem hell bent on thinking anyone remotely vegetarian is offensive somehow) but I really like that way of describing it. Mostly I just say, ‘because I chose to be’.
If you haven’t read it already, the best book I’ve ever read on the subject is Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. It’s phenomenal and really well written. He wasn’t a vegetarian when he started researching the book, he was a new father and wanted to know what he should be feeding his son. Spoiler: he was vegetarian by the end.
It’s a fascinating read though, I highly recommend it!