Ha, what a brilliant comment. I completely agree. I find it so bizarre when ‘meat eaters’ talk about having a ‘vegetarian’ meal and being proud and amazed. I mean…even if you eat meat, you don’t have to have it with every single meal and you don’t have to label everything you eat either ‘vegetarian/vegan’ or not.
The fact that people say to me ‘hey, I had a vegetarian meal last night!!’ shows how used to eating meat every single day our society has become. Like you say, as far as human history goes back people have been essentially vegan — they just didn’t have a label for it because it’s just…well…food.
Your pasta and plum jam recipe sounds amazing! I’m going to try it out!
Thanks for such a thoughtful comment, it seems mad really that the West is ‘discovering’ vegan food like it’s a new thing. Next somebody will say, ‘oh hey! I just discovered water! It’s a super liquid that’s really hydrating and makes your skin youthful!’.
Although I feel like drinks companies have already jumped on the water trend…dear god.