Member-only story
10 Things to Do While You Wait
We all have pockets of time
Ever looked at your watch and thought ‘huh, still got 20 minutes’?
The first instinct is to whip out your phone and begin The Scroll.
But this is a precious pocket of time. Time that could absolutely be spent doing something else. Something more than.
‘I don’t have time’
This is one of the most common utterances in our language, I swear.
But we do have time. We just fill it with our phones.
A couple of hours ago, I put on my jacket, got my keys and my wallet and was about to head out the door to cycle to the supermarket.
And then the heavens opened.
A huge dark cloud was over the city and it was absolutely chucking it down. But I could see the edge. I could see that I only had to wait about 10 minutes before it’d cease.
‘Huh, I’ve got ten minutes.’
We all have these pockets of time. You don’t need to make space for them, they’re already there.
Here’s some ideas for how to fill them.
1. Learn a language
When it started raining, I opened up Duolingo and started learning. You don’t need to set…